Activities of the project “Transparency of Political Party Financing in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)” consist of preparation of three analyses, as follows:
For the needs of preparation of all analyses, we will include all political parties that, at that time, held or won mandates in the last Local Elections 2016 and General Elections 2018 in entity and/or state Parliaments. In the event that political subjects that ran within a coalition of political parties won mandates, we will consider only those political parties within coalitions which won the mandate(s), which will be determined on the basis of the names of delegates and their affiliation to a certain political party with the coalition candidate list on the basis of results of General Elections 2014 and General Elections 2018. In that light, the Analysis of post-election financial reports for 2016 shall include 16 political subjects, and the Analysis of post-election financial reports for 2018 shall include 19 political subjects.
For the purpose of the said analyses, we have used primary sources of information by sending a questionnaire to political parties, analyzing those answers, and presenting them in a special analysis. Furthermore, for the research, we have also used secondary sources of information,which are post-election financial reports published on the official website of Central Election Commission BiH (CEC), and the results of the research are presented in the post-election financial reports for 2016 and 2018 analyses.
This activity was done with the generous support of National Democratic Institute (NDI)
through the program financed by National Endowment for Democracy (NED)